Example #4 - Bulk Toy Distribution
The chairman of Tinaco Toys, Ltd.* has kindly agreed to collaborate with a noble cause which is to donate 1,000 of their world-famous football (soccer) playing toddlers. Although Sir Tinaco is a very kind person, he and his company would like to spend the money effectively. In other words, as little in shipping costs as possible.
Given that donations don't require marked boxes, nor they need to be packed in specific counts, the Advanced Input Options of Quick Pallet Maker can be used for this purpose. These 5"x4"x6" cartons with one toy each will be packed into Standard unmarked off-the-shelf English unit boxes as many as possible per pallet. The goal is to ship as few pallets as possible or as many of the 1,000 toys as possible per pallet. Input Data
The input window should look something like this: Once this information has been filled, the user selects the Advanced Input Options from the Tools Menu and introduces the following information:
The Advanced Input Window should look something like this: The program will start increasing the Case Count in increments of 1 unit while it tries to find matching Standard cases. This may take a while on some computers as the program looks through a database of standard cases. After this is done the application will display a list as in the first window below. Clicking on the top right corner will sort the Total Cases per Pallet as in the second window. The user can then scroll downwards until (s)he finds a Standard Case (in bold letters) as in the right-most window. Although the purpose was to ship as many toys as possible per pallet, it was important for Tinaco to ship in blank boxes, so the user selects the Standard Case that delivers as many Primary Packages as possible which is the box #3 of the 27 PP per box option. Double-clicking on that result will display the Results Window shown below, where the pallet with the Standard Case and the highest area efficiency has been selected. The user clicked on the internal view button to display the 27 toy boxes within each box. Usually, standard boxes are shipped with a standard box compression resistance. In this case, Tinaco's supplier sells only cases with a maximum compression strength of 200 lbs. The user selects the Box Compression option to view his pallet and boxes and finds out that with the default safety factor of 5, (s)he would have to request a non-standard box, which would increase costs (below). Therefore, the user fiddles with the safety factor and finds out that by using a safety factor of 1.85, the box compression would approximate the 200 lbs that the vendor delivers. The user then decides to talk to management, which thinks that although they regularly use a safety factor of 3 (which is a function of palletizing and storage conditions) in their commercial shipments, donated toys do not require such a level of care and that any defect would be their responsibility.** The user generates a report for this pallet, which should look like the following window. This report can be printed or exported to a graphics format. * Imaginary Name ** Please note that not all companies think the same way, hence the reason why Quick Pallet Maker leaves the safety factor to the user's responsibility. Quick Pallet Maker calculates the compression per box as a function of all the weight that is exerted per layer, divided by the amount of boxes per layer. This number (which appears above as = 108 lbs) is multiplied by the safety factor. For general guidelines on calculating safety factors, contact your corrugated box supplier. SCA Mecanica, S.A. is not responsible for box damage that may arise from a bad safety factor selection. |
Quick Pallet Maker ©2000 SCA Mecanica, S.A. Derechos reservados. Options Czar ©2000 SCA Mecanica, S.A. Derechos reservados. REALBasic es una marca registrada de REAL Software, Inc. Acrobat es una marca registrada de Adobe Systems. Stuffit Expander es una marca registrada de Aladdin Systems. Windows 95, Window 98, Windows NT, Windows 2000 son marcas registradas de Microsoft Inc. QuickTime es una marca registrada de Apple Computer, Inc. |