Legal Information SCA Mecanica, S.A. is a privately held company, registered in the Venezuelan state of Miranda under the following numbers: RIF J-30699760-1 & NIT 0142524287. The date of incorporation is April 28, 2000. Venezuelan laws are applicable to SCA Mecanica, S.A. operations. All legal documentation is available to the general public upon request. Financial Information The SCA Mecanica, S.A. fiscal year starts in January and ends in December (income taxes in Venezuela are paid from January to March). Capital is 100% provided by Venezuelan investors, although investment offers are welcome. For the latter, financial statements can be assembled upon request. Geographical Information SCA Mecanica, S.A. operates through offices in the Baruta county of the Miranda state in Venezuela. Our products are sold globally through this web site, which also posts the information regarding the products we sell. Billing is made through our payment-processing partners: eSellerate, Kagi and RegNow, located in Lincoln, NE, Berkeley, California and in Issaquah, Washington, respectively (all in the USA). Our Machine Design / Metalworks business unit currently attends clients located throughout the various regions of Venezuela and other Latin American countries. Company Objective Our intention is to become leaders in offering technological solutions to a wide range of industrial companies globally, by leveraging the accessibility of the internet and the availability of quicker development tools. Contact us for additional insights on the information located in this page. |
Quick Pallet Maker ©2000 SCA Mecanica, S.A. All rights reserved. Options Czar ©2000 SCA Mecanica, S.A. All rights reserved. REALBasic is a registered trademark of REAL Software, Inc. Acrobat is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems. Stuffit Expander is a registered trademark of Aladdin Systems. Windows 95, Window 98, Windows NT, Windows 2000 are registered trademarks of Microsoft Inc. QuickTime is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. | ||||||||||