Most products are shipped in boxes and then in standard pallets. These standard pallets are shipped into standard containers or in trucks. Frequently, there is some extra volume and/or weight in the containers or in the trucks that is billed anyway by the carrier but that is not used by the client. Hence, optimizing the pallet loads should be a top priority for manufacturers.
Based on this need, we have created Quick Pallet Maker, an easy to learn pallet loading/ package design program that allows the
user to calculate the optimal secondary package dimensions and pallet arrangements, thus reducing shipping costs. The user enters primary package or box dimensions and rapidly assembles optimal pallet configurations that can be explained with easy-to-understand graphics.
Throughout 4 years, we have been receiving input from our users and continuously building on the capabilities of Quick Pallet Maker. Our engineers balance the customer's needs with our in-house experience to develop a compelling application at a relatively low price. But don't take our word for it, Quick Pallet Maker is available for free testing online through direct download. The user can test the demo version for a period of 30-days and ask any question he/she wishes.
Once you are convinced that QPM is right for you, we offer different quick purchasing methods to comply with particular needs. Our technical support is quick (3 hours average response time, may vary) and flexible. To see the support options, click here.
Quick Pallet Maker ©2000 SCA Mecanica, S.A. All rights reserved. Options Czar ©2000, 2004 SCA Mecanica, S.A. All rights reserved. REALBasic is a registered trademark of REAL Software, Inc. Acrobat is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems. Stuffit Expander is a registered trademark of Aladdin Systems. Windows 95, Window 98, Windows NT, Windows 2000 are registered trademarks of Microsoft Inc. QuickTime is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. |