Quick Pallet Maker licenses
What you get when you pay:
Quick Pallet Maker yearly subscription (effective July 1, 2004)
What you get when you pay:
* Our policy is to offer free upgrades for a period of one year for each Quick Pallet Maker purchase. At SCA Mecanica, we think this relieves the buyer from the pressure of waiting for a nearing upgrade prior to buying the software or not. Consider it like a yearly contract in which you pay us to solve your packaging problems through our software. After the first year, you can renew your suscription by paying the low yearly sucription fee mentioned above. First subscriptions will be billed on July 1, 2004. Any questions, please contact us. Please remember that the Quick Pallet Maker DEMO allows you to test ALL the features prior to purchasing, including printing. If all is not fine, contact us at support@scamecanica.com. |
Quick Pallet Maker ©2000 SCA Mecanica, S.A. All rights reserved. Options Czar ©2000 SCA Mecanica, S.A. All rights reserved. REALBasic is a registered trademark of REAL Software, Inc. Acrobat is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems. Stuffit Expander is a registered trademark of Aladdin Systems. Windows 95, Window 98, Windows NT, Windows 2000 are registered trademarks of Microsoft Inc. QuickTime is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. | ||||||||